lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Using Videos for Teaching


I couldnt use movie maker due to some complications with my computer so I made the video with three different programs. I think the videos have a problem because they cannot be uploaded to Youtube correctly, so if I cannot make it at the end I will use Movie Maker. I will post some information that I used while I upload the video.

Teaching Methods - Direct Instruction


Importance of technology

Technology is becoming ubiquitous in university classrooms. The use of technology allows professors to diversify their lectures, display more information, and enhance student learning. By using different technologies in the classroom, this can help professors save time and energy and allow for more attention to be paid to the course content. There are many different learning materials available to professors in order to help them with their teaching.

Advantages and disadvantages of using technology

There are many advantages of using technology and learning materials in the university classroom. These include:

•  More active learning.
•  Diversified teaching methods.
•  Better student attention.
•  Less time and energy for professors.
•  Visual stimulation.

However there are some downfalls to using technology when teaching your courses. These include:

•  Equipment failures.
•  The need for back-up plans.
•  Anxiety for professors.
•  Time spent learning new technologies.

The advantages for using technology often out weigh the disadvantages. Many of the problems with using technology and learning materials can be overcome by testing equipment beforehand and learning how to properly use each technology.


Videos are a good way of reinforcing the course material being taught. You as a professor may have to request specific materials if they are not provided for you in the classroom. It is important if you are using a clip or a video to have it ready to go and at the proper location. Tape counters may differ from those you have at home and you shouldn't rely on them to find something quickly in the classroom.

At the end I made the videos in Movie Maker, because there was no way to upload the one I made before in After Effect....

Video Instruction

Teaching Comprehension

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey Susannah,
    I hope you can solve your problem with the movie maker.
    A recommendation for your blog: eliminate all the complete links.
