jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Insights and Learning Process Throughout the Course

My Elaboration and Use of Instructional Technology has helped me realize how important pay attention to details is and that there are better ways to address the content I give to my students. I truly believe in the effective learning environment which is a reflection of all exterior school and learning conditions in which may affect the student life as an individual. There are different factors that make an effective lesson, and an effective learning environment. Throughout the course I have studied several chapters regarding teaching, but most of all I have tried to put into practice what has been taught to me. Receiving feedback from the professor was very important and meaningful to my improvement as future teacher. I consider that having an appropriate environment will help teacher’s interaction with their students, thereby; they will be able to control their students’ behavior and will facilitate students’ learning.

Personally, I really enjoyed this course. Though I can tell I have learnt a lot from it, I have already had previous knowledge regarding technology as tool of learning in the classroom. however, there were some projects or software I did not know about, and the ones I found very useful for my future activities in class. Also, the professor provided a very elaborated lesson plan for the whole course. I loved that because you had to go to class, but you did have a previous knowledge of the topic of class. So it was really up to you whether you wanted to prepare yourself for class before it started (I think that was the purpose, and loved it because it gave you the choice to organize your time better), or just do all the work assigned at your own pace.

The learning process provided by the professor was appropriate to the content we had to focus on. She helped us to take it easy in regards of technology and to not learn by just reading; she made us practice every single topic she introduced to use, and also gave feedback to us when needed. Meaningful experiences were the best I got from the course. To me was very important to take this course, especially because I could enhance my skills. I tried to apply as much as my knowledge I could by introducing Photoshop, Illustrator, or graphic design skills that I got while I was in high school.

To sum up, the effective lesson and effective learning environment have an important role. I am convinced that students and professors should face these two factors as part of their learning process. All that I studied on this course is very useful for the everyday lessons and activities. I certainly believe or agree that the interactive teaching starts with the instructors. They have to be organized in order to address the content in an appropriate way. It is not only to teach, but also to be a controller, director, and most of all a manager, facilitator and resource in your classroom. Having all these aspects, it can help students to have a meaningful, varied and situated effective lesson by creating a practical environment focused on their needs, as our professor did. This course not only introduced you to technology. It really helped you to be up to date about what you could do in your class while teaching your students. As teachers we have to be open-minded and try to be a good facilitator for our students.

Educational Software’s Research and Presentation: Google earth

Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program.

WIKI - Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences 

The influence of Multiple Intelligences (MI) cannot be undermined because it has affected every layer of education since it was proposed by Mr. Gardner. Today in this Wiki we try to unify the power and influence of Gardner's theory with Technology. We hope that whoever goes through this Wiki will come out at least aware of the presence of MI united nowadays with the power of technological means. Just go ahead, and get yourself ready to experience it.

This Wiki will help students and teachers in the process of teaching and learning on MI for High School and University levels basically, but anyone interested in learning about it is more than welcome because knowledge is never limited to a specific group of individuals.

Multiple Intelligences - WIKI

“Intelligence is the capacity to do something useful in the society in which we live. Intelligence is the ability to respond successfully to new situations and the capacity to learn from one’s past experiences.”
—Dr. Howard Gardner, author, Frames of Mind and Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice
This site, Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education, applies Dr. Gardner's theory to adult education. With this site we hope to inspire teachers and tutors to discover innovative ways to help their learners succeed, based on their learners' intelligences.

Take a Test 

I took the test, and my results were:

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Instructional Media and Technologies for Assessment - Hot Potatoes

This is an activity I made by using the program or software Hot Potatoes. It is a matching exercise in which you have to find out the best meaning for the slang or some of the most commonly-used American slangs.

Evaluation Rubric for an assignment in which students had to present a Flash presentation in regards of a News Report

ULACIT – Instructional Technology 2010
Susannah Monge Guerrero
Evaluation Rubric – Flash Presentation regarding News Report

The presentation was "ready to go" when it was the ss turn. The ss does not make grammatical or structural mistakes at all.The ss makes 2 to 3 patterned grammatical or structural mistakes. The presentation presents some problems at the beginning.The ss makes 4 to 6 grammatical or structural mistakes. The presentation is not well linked.The ss makes many grammatical or structural mistakes. The presentation did not work.

Technical Specifications
Group members uploaded contents (audio, video, tasks, links) The ss is able to express themselves fluently and effectively, picking the most appropriate words and phrases for the text.The ss can fairly convey their message in their writing, picking some related words and phrases for the text. Group members uploaded 2 contents.The ss shows difficulty to convey their message in their writing; the chosen words and phrases are not appropriate for the text. Group members just uploaded 1 content.The ss is unable to convey their message via their writing, not to mention word / phrase choice for the text. Group members did not upload contents.

The ss is able to use the same genre for their writing, including the important features, format and style of the news report. Presentation contained an introduction, body and conclusion.The ss can fairly use the same genre for their writing and follow some of the features, format or style of the news report. Presentation contained at least 2 of the following: introduction, body & conclusionThe ss shows difficulty in use the correct genre for their writing or to follow the features, format and style of the news report. Presentation contained only 1 of the following: introduction, body & conclusionThe ss is unable to follow the features, format and style of the news report. Presentation did not contain introduction, body and conclusion.

Presentation Overall
The ss’s writing flows in a very coherent sequence, showing its facts and arguments logically. Words and phrases are very cohesive. An outstanding presentation. The presentation kept my interest and was among the very best in class.The ss can fairly follow a coherent sequence in his / her writing. Words and phrases are fairly cohesive. The presenter demonstrated the ability to utilize the various features of the program, however, the presentation did not always keep my interestThe ss shows difficulty in writing coherently, as it does not flow logically at all. Words and phrases are not very cohesive. The presenter did not seem comfortable with the program and/or needed a lot of outside assistance in getting through the presentation.The ss’s writing does not flow coherent sequence. Words and phrases are not cohesive. The presenter displayed little knowledge and/or understanding of the components of assignment, software, computers, etc.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Using Videos for Teaching


I couldnt use movie maker due to some complications with my computer so I made the video with three different programs. I think the videos have a problem because they cannot be uploaded to Youtube correctly, so if I cannot make it at the end I will use Movie Maker. I will post some information that I used while I upload the video.

Teaching Methods - Direct Instruction


Importance of technology

Technology is becoming ubiquitous in university classrooms. The use of technology allows professors to diversify their lectures, display more information, and enhance student learning. By using different technologies in the classroom, this can help professors save time and energy and allow for more attention to be paid to the course content. There are many different learning materials available to professors in order to help them with their teaching.

Advantages and disadvantages of using technology

There are many advantages of using technology and learning materials in the university classroom. These include:

•  More active learning.
•  Diversified teaching methods.
•  Better student attention.
•  Less time and energy for professors.
•  Visual stimulation.

However there are some downfalls to using technology when teaching your courses. These include:

•  Equipment failures.
•  The need for back-up plans.
•  Anxiety for professors.
•  Time spent learning new technologies.

The advantages for using technology often out weigh the disadvantages. Many of the problems with using technology and learning materials can be overcome by testing equipment beforehand and learning how to properly use each technology.


Videos are a good way of reinforcing the course material being taught. You as a professor may have to request specific materials if they are not provided for you in the classroom. It is important if you are using a clip or a video to have it ready to go and at the proper location. Tape counters may differ from those you have at home and you shouldn't rely on them to find something quickly in the classroom.

At the end I made the videos in Movie Maker, because there was no way to upload the one I made before in After Effect....

Video Instruction

Teaching Comprehension